Public and private construction and real estate law
The successful processing of legal matters requires a combination of knowledge from different disciplines. Economic issues are today more and more dominated by a combination of private law and public law. VIALEX advises both in private law as well as in public law, with an interdisciplinary and not with a demarcating approach.
We have acquired our legal armor through thorough training and practice activities, have rich experience and constantly educate ourselves further. However, not even the biggest law firm can offer the best in all areas of specialization. That is why we offer our clients the best where we have the relevant expertise available internally, and complement our team when needed, in cases where we believe that we can achieve the best result for you through the assistance of an expert from within our network. In this way VIALEX handles even the most complicated multi-jurisdictional and mutli-disciplinary mandates comprehensively and as a one-stop shop.
The following areas are in the focus of our activities: